Cheat Trucchi and Trucchos Castleville workshop items 2012 The craft items that you can craft in your castleville workshop have been updated with new items

Epic Ice Pick: 2 Master ice picks, 2 silver ore, 15 unicorn sparkle, 15 ice chunk
Ice Pick: 7 wood log, 2 stone block, 5 ice chunk
Punch prep table: 4 wood planks, 5 punch jug, 4 stone block
Master Ice Pick: 1 ice pick, 2 iron ore, 5 all purpose polish, 10 ice chunk

Epic Ice Pick: 2 Master ice picks, 2 silver ore, 15 unicorn sparkle, 15 ice chunk
Ice Pick: 7 wood log, 2 stone block, 5 ice chunk
Punch prep table: 4 wood planks, 5 punch jug, 4 stone block
Master Ice Pick: 1 ice pick, 2 iron ore, 5 all purpose polish, 10 ice chunk
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